
der; -s, auch: -, -s, auch: -i
<aus ital. barista, eigtl. »Manager einer Bar; Bedienung in einer Bar«, zu ital. Bar u. ...ista, vgl. ↑>
jmd., der in einer Espressobar o. Ä. für die professionelle Kaffeezubereitung zuständig ist

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • barista — s.m. e f. [der. di bar ] (pl. m. i ). (mest.) [persona addetta nei bar ai servizi di preparazione e mescita di bibite, caffè, ecc.] ▶◀ barman, (non com.) liquorista, (non com.) mescitore …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • barista — s. 2 g. 1. Empregado de bar que serve ao balcão as bebidas que prepara. 2. Especialista na preparação de cafés e de bebidas à base de café.   ‣ Etimologia: bar + ista …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • barista — /bä rēˈstə/ noun A person who is employed to make coffee in a coffee shop ORIGIN: Ital, bartender …   Useful english dictionary

  • Barista — In English jargon, the term barista refers to one who has acquired some level of expertise in the preparation of espresso based coffee drinks. Within certain circles, its meaning is expanding to include what might be called a coffee sommelier; a… …   Wikipedia

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