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VIRIA — I. VIRIA apud Tertullian. de Pallio, c. 4. Utique sicut vestigia caestuum viria occupavit; quid sit, Ambrosius exponit, l. de Abr. c. 9. Has virias quae manum non materiaeli aurô ornarent, sed spirituali actu levarent: manuum scil. ornamentum,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Viria Sugar Mill — The Colonial Sugar Refining Company built a mill at Viria, on the Rewa River, on the southern side of the island of Viti Levu on Fiji. It crushed from 1886 to 1895 and was closed because it was too small to be viable. Bibliography … Wikipedia
viria — significado: suero que va soltando la leche desde que empieza a cuajar hasta que se forma el quesu etimología: tal vez del lat. virus ( jugo, zumo ) … Etimologías léxico asturiano
Vīrya — Viriá es una palabra sánscrita que puede traducirse al español como: virilidad, valor, fuerza, potencia, energía.[1] heroísmo, acto heroico.[1] vigor masculino, virilidad, semen viril.[2] eficacia (de una medicina) … Wikipedia Español
virole — [ virɔl ] n. f. • XIIIe; virol n. m. XIIe; lat. viriola, dimin. de viria « sorte de bracelet », o. gaul. 1 ♦ Petite bague de métal dont on garnit l extrémité d un manche pour assujettir ce qui y est fixé et empêcher le bois de se fendre. La… … Encyclopédie Universelle
VIRIOLA — Glossar, Ψέλιον, armilla Viriolae περιχέρια, ψέλια: Viriola, κλάνιον, ψέλιον. Isidorus, Origin. l. 19. c. 31. eas armillas hôc nomine indigitatas vult, quae Viris victoriae causâ conferrentur. Per diminutionem a Viria deductam Viriolam, probant… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sugar mills in Fiji — Sugar cane grew wild in Fiji and was used as thatch by the Fijians for their houses ( bures ). The first attempt to make sugar in Fiji was on Wakaya Island in 1862 but this was a fianacial failure. With the cotton boom of the 1860s there was… … Wikipedia
Vera — I (Del port. beira.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Orilla [en todas sus acepciones]. FRASEOLOGÍA ► locución adverbial a la vera Al lado. II (De origen incierto.) ► sustantivo femenino BOTÁNICA Planta arbórea americana semejante al guayaco, con madera… … Enciclopedia Universal
ferrule — noun Etymology: alteration of Middle English virole, from Anglo French, from Latin viriola, diminutive of viria bracelet, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish fiar oblique Date: 1611 1. a ring or cap usually of metal put around a slender shaft (as … New Collegiate Dictionary
Curia — For other uses, see Curia (disambiguation). A curia in early Roman times was a subdivision of the people, i.e. more or less a tribe, and with a metonymy it came to mean also the meeting place where the tribe discussed its affairs. Etymologically… … Wikipedia