
das; -[s], -s
<nach engl. ugly »unansehnlich« (wegen der runzligen Schale der Frucht)>
auf Jamaika gezüchtete dickschalige Zitrusfrucht, eine Kreuzung zwischen Pampelmuse, Orange u. Mandarine

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Ugli® — /ugˈli/ noun 1. A name given to a citrus fruit which is believed to be a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine 2. The plant producing this fruit ORIGIN: ↑ugly; from the fruit s unprepossessing appearance …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ugli — Die Ugli ist eine Zitrusfrucht, welche als Produkt einer Hybridisierung aus Mandarine (Citrus reticulata) und Grapefruit (Citrus × aurantium) oder Pampelmuse (Citrus maxima) entstanden sein soll. Kreuzungen aus Mandarine und Grapefruit werden als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Ugli — Aspecto externo y de los gajos de un ugli. El ugli es un tipo de fruta cítrica, híbrido entre la mandarina (Citrus reticulata) y una de las dos frutas conocidas como pomelo: Citrus × paradisi y Citrus maxima. Su sabor se asemeja más al pomelo. Es …   Wikipedia Español

  • ugli — noun /ˈʌɡli/ A cross between a tangerine and grapefruit, grown in the West Indies. Syn: ugli fruit …   Wiktionary

  • Ugli fruit — [ug′lē] n. 〚< Ugli, a trademark, altered /span> UGLY: from its misshapen appearance〛 [sometimes u f ] a Jamaican citrus fruit that is a three way cross between a grapefruit, orange, and tangerine * * * …   Universalium

  • Ugli fruit — [ug′lē] n. [< Ugli, a trademark, altered < UGLY: from its misshapen appearance] [sometimes u f ] a Jamaican citrus fruit that is a three way cross between a grapefruit, orange, and tangerine …   English World dictionary

  • Ugli fruit — ► NOUN (pl. same) trademark ▪ a mottled green and yellow citrus fruit which is a hybrid of a grapefruit and tangerine. ORIGIN alteration of UGLY(Cf. ↑ugly) …   English terms dictionary

  • Ugli fruit — An ugli fruit is a citrus fruit created by hybridizing a grapefruit (or pomelo according to some sources) and a tangerineFact|date=March 2008. Its species is Citrus reticulata x Citrus paradisi .It was discovered growing wild in Jamaica where it… …   Wikipedia

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