
[zi'danta] das od. der; -
<aus sanskr. siddhānta »Lehrbuch«, eigtl. »höchstes Ziel«>
Gesamtheit der heiligen Schriften des ↑Dschainismus.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Siddhanta — Siddhanta, a Sanskrit term, roughly translates as the Doctrine or the Tradition. It denotes the established and accepted view of a particular school within Indian philosophy.Hindu philosophyThis term is an established theological term within… …   Wikipedia

  • Siddhanta —   [Sanskrit »Lehrmeinung«] der, , 1) Bezeichnung für eine Schule des Shivaismus; 2) im tibetanischen Buddhismus die auf schriftliche Überlieferung gestützte philosophische oder religiöse Lehrmeinung. * * * Sid|dhan|ta [... danta], das od. der;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Siddhanta Shikhamani — Siddhantha Shikhamani is a religious scripture of Panchacharyas, Veerashaivas. Siddhantha Shikhamani is written by sri Shivayogi Shivacharya in around 8th century in Sanakrit language.It has been tranlsted to kannada languge by His holiness 1008… …   Wikipedia

  • Shaiva Siddhanta — Shaiva (or Saiva) Siddhanta is a Shaivaite Hindu school that encompasses tens of millions of adherents, predominantly in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka ( see Hinduism in Sri Lanka), where it has flourished since the eleventh CCE. Today it has thousands …   Wikipedia

  • Surya Siddhanta — Le Surya Siddhanta est un traité d’astronomie traditionnel indien, vieux de plus de 1 500 ans et attribué au Mahamuni Mayan[1]. Il forme la base des calendriers hindou et bouddhiste. Les mathématiciens et astronomes postérieurs comme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surya Siddhanta — The Surya Siddhanta is a treatise of Indian astronomy.Later Indian mathematicians and astronomers such as Aryabhata and Varahamihira made references to this text. Varahamihira in his Panchasiddhantika contrasts it with four other treatises,… …   Wikipedia

  • Saiva Siddhanta —    Saiva Siddhanta is a form of SHAIVISM practiced in Tamil speaking regions, particularly Tamil Nadu and northern Sri Lanka. It is based on the 28 Shaivite AGAMAS, authoritative texts that interpret and extend Vedic knowledge, and on the… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Vishuddha Siddhanta Panjika — is an almanac that was first published in 1297 Bengali year (1890 AD). Madhab Chandra Chattopadhyay of the then Bengal of undivided India was the first editor. Why a new almanac? The 19th century Bengali almanacs though gave details of tithi,… …   Wikipedia

  • Paulisa Siddhanta — The Paulisa Siddhanta (literally, Doctrine of Paul ) is an Indian astronomical treatise, based on the works of the Western scholar Paul of Alexandria (c. 378 CE). [McEvilley, p385] Siddhanta literally means Doctrine or Tradition .It follows the… …   Wikipedia

  • Romaka Siddhanta — The Romaka Siddhanta (literally Doctrine of the Romans ) is an Indian astronomical treatise, based on the works of the ancient Romans. [McEvilley, p385] Siddhanta literally means Doctrine or Tradition .ContentIt follows the Yavanajataka ( Saying… …   Wikipedia

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