
['pri:...] der; -s, -s
<aus gleichbed. engl. pretest zu engl. pre »vor« u. test, vgl. ↑Test>
Erprobung eines Mittels für Untersuchungen o. Ä. (z. B. eines Fragebogens) vor der Durchführung der eigentlichen Erhebung;
Vortest (Soziol.)

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Нужно сделать НИР?

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  • pretest — pre‧test [priːˈtest] verb [transitive] to test something before it is used in order to make sure that it works properly: • All chillers are pretested before shipment. pretest noun [countable] * * * Ⅰ. pretest UK US (also pre test) /ˈp …   Financial and business terms

  • Pretest — bzw. Vortest[1] ist ein Begriff aus der empirischen Sozialforschung und bezeichnet die Qualitätsverbesserung von Erhebungsinstrumenten wie Fragebogen (Umfrageforschung) oder Codebüchern (Inhaltsanalyse) sowie Forschungsdesigns (Experimente) vor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • prétest — [pʀetɛst] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1960 (in Larousse, 1968); de pré , et test. ❖ 1 Didact. (psychol.). Phase préliminaire dans la mise au point d un test. Épreuve que l on fait subir à un questionnaire d enquête (avant mise au point). 2 Publ. Étude, test… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pretest — also pre test, 1949 (v. and n.), from PRE (Cf. pre ) + TEST (Cf. test) …   Etymology dictionary

  • pretest — [prē′test΄; ] for v. [ prē test′] n. a preliminary test, as of a product vt., vi. to test in advance …   English World dictionary

  • pretest — I. ˈprēˌtest noun Etymology: pre + test : a preliminary test serving for exploration rather than evaluation: as a. : a test given to a class to determine readiness for the material about to be taught b. : a test given to make students aware of… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • pretest — n. /pree test /; v. /pree test /, n. 1. an advance or preliminary testing or trial, as of a new product. 2. a test given to determine if students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study. 3. a test taken for practice. v.t. 4. to… …   Universalium

  • pretest — 1. noun /ˈpriːtɛst,priːˈtɛst/ A preliminary test, given in advance of instruction of evaluation. 2. verb /ˈpriːtɛst,priːˈtɛst/ a) To administer a pretest to. b) To carry out a pretest …   Wiktionary

  • pretest — pre·test prē .test n a preliminary test esp a test of the effectiveness or safety of a product (as a drug) prior to its sale pre·test .prē test vt to subject to a pretest <pretested drugs> vi to perform a pretest …   Medical dictionary

  • pretest — pre•test n. [[t]ˈpriˌtɛst[/t]] v. [[t]priˈtɛst[/t]] n. 1) an advance or preliminary testing or trial, as of a new product 2) a test given to determine if students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study 3) a test taken for… …   From formal English to slang

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