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<aus kirchenlat. (oratio) post communium »(Gebet) nach der Kommunion«>
Schlussgebet des kath. Priesters nach der Kommunion.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • postcommunio — post·com·mù·nio s.m. e f.inv., lat. TS lit. orazione che il celebrante recita o canta durante la messa dopo il rito della comunione {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1396. ETIMO: lat. mediev. postcommunio, comp. di post dopo e communio comunione …   Dizionario italiano

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  • post-communion — noun Usage: often capitalized P&C Etymology: Medieval Latin postcommunion , postcommunio, from Latin post + Late Latin communio communion Date: 15th century a liturgically variable prayer following the communion at Eucharist …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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