Merchant Adventurers

Merchant Adventurers
Mer|chant Ad|ven|tu|rers
['mə:tʃənt əd'vɛntʃərəz] die (Plur.)
<aus engl. merchant adventurers, eigtl. »wagemutige Kaufleute«>
(hist.) im 14. Jh. entstandene engl. Kaufmannsgilde.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Company of Merchant Adventurers — es el nombre que recibieron varias compañías de comercio a larga distancia del siglo XV y XVI en Inglaterra. En cierto modo eran distintas de las compañías privilegiadas del mercantilismo de su época. Company of Merchant Adventurers of London,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • merchant adventurer — noun (plural merchant adventurers or merchants adventurers) Etymology: Middle English marchaunt adventurer : a merchant who establishes foreign trading stations and carries on business ventures abroad; especially : a member of one of the former… …   Useful english dictionary

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