Independent Labour Party

Independent Labour Party
In|de|pen|dent La|bour Par|ty
[indi'pɛndənt 'leibə 'pɑ:ti] die; - - -
<engl. >:
a) Name der ↑Labour Party bis 1906;
b) 1914 von der Labour Party abgespaltene Partei mit pazifistischer Einstellung.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Independent Labour Party — See Independent Labor Party for the political party in Burundi, Independent Labour Group for the Irish party and Labour candidates and parties in Canada for the Canadian ILPs. The Independent Labour Party (ILP) was a socialist political party in… …   Wikipedia

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  • Independent Labour Party (in Manitoba) (II) — Prior to 1920, there were a number of groups in Winnipeg which called themselves the Independent Labour Party . For information on these groups, see Independent Labour Party (in Manitoba) (I). The Independent Labour Party was the leading social… …   Wikipedia

  • Independent Labour Party (Manitoba, 1920) — Prior to 1920, there were a number of groups in Winnipeg which called themselves the Independent Labour Party . For information on these groups, see Independent Labour Party (Manitoba, 1895). The Independent Labour Party was the leading social… …   Wikipedia

  • Independent Labour Party (in Manitoba) (I) — Before World War I, there were at least two organizations in Winnipeg calling themselves the Independent Labour Party. The first of these was set up by British trade unionists in 1895, and collapsed soon thereafter.The second was created in 1906 …   Wikipedia

  • Independent Labour Party (India) — Dr. Ambedkar, organised the Independent Labour Party, participated in the provincial elections and was elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly. During these days he stressed the need for abolition of the Jagirdari system, pleaded for workers’… …   Wikipedia

  • Independent Labour Party — Parti travailliste indépendant L Independant Labour Party (ILP, Parti travailliste indépendant) était un parti politique socialiste au Royaume Uni. Historique Le Parti travailliste indépendant est formé en 1893 par le député socialiste James Keir …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Independent Labour Party — (abbr the ILP) an early British socialist party formed in 1893 by Keir Hardie. The British Labour Party later developed from it. * * * …   Universalium

  • (the) Independent Labour Party — the Independent Labour Party [the Independent Labour Party] (abbr the ILP) an early British ↑socialist party formed in 1893 by Keir Hardie. The British ↑Labour Party later developed from it …   Useful english dictionary

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