
das; -s, ...ien [...iən]
<zu ↑hypo... u. gr. límnion »kleiner Teich«>
Tiefenschicht eines Sees (Geogr.)

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • hypolimnion — ☆ hypolimnion [hī΄pōlim′nē än΄, hī΄pō lim′nēən ] n. [ModL < HYPO + Gr limnion, dim. of limnē, a pool of standing water] an unfrozen lake s cold, lowermost, stagnant layer of oxygen poor water that is below the thermocline: see EPILIMNION …   English World dictionary

  • Hypolimnion — The hypolimnion is the dense, bottom layer of water in a thermally stratified lake. It is the layer that lies below the thermocline. Typically the hypolimnion is the coldest layer of a lake in summer, and the warmest layer during winter. Being at …   Wikipedia

  • Hypolimnion — Gliederung des Sees aufgrund abiotischer Faktoren Das Hypolimnion (Hypolimnial) ist die untere, nur durch interne Wellen und deren Ausgleichsströmungen bewegte und bei 3,98 °C homogen kalte Wasserschicht in einem geschichteten stehenden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hypolimnion — hipolimnionas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Apatinis didžiąją metų dalį nesimaišantis ežero ar kito vandens telkinio sluoksnis, kurio temperatūra artima didžiausio tankio vandens temperatūrai. atitikmenys: angl.… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • hypolimnion — hipolimnionas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Apatinis didžiąją metų dalį nesimaišantis ežero ar kito vandens telkinio sluoksnis, kurio temperatūra artima didžiausio tankio vandens temperatūrai. atitikmenys: angl.… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Hypolimnion — L hypolimnion est la couche située sous le métalimnion en dessous de la thermocline. C est la couche thermique la plus profonde d un lac ou d une mer fermée, toujours froide et à température peu variable ; elle est située selon la saison en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hypolimnion — noun (plural hypolimnia) Etymology: New Latin, from hypo + Greek limnion, diminutive of limnē lake more at limnetic Date: 1910 the part of a lake below the thermocline made up of water that is stagnant and of essentially uniform temperature… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hypolimnion — the cold lower layer of a stratified lake, under the epilimnion and beginning just below the thermocline. This layer is not directly affected by surface events …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • hypolimnion — n. [Gr. hypo, under; limne, lake] The bottom stratum in deep lakes containing low oxygen and near absence of living organisms; see epilimnion, thermocline …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • hypolimnion — hypolimnetic /huy poh lim net ik, hip oh /, hypolimnial, adj. /huy peuh lim nee on , nee euhn, hip euh /, n., pl. hypolimnia / nee euh/. (in certain lakes) the layer of water below the thermocline. [1905 10; HYPO + Gk límn(e) lake + ion dim. n.… …   Universalium

  • hypolimnion — noun The perpetually cold layer of water that lies beneath the thermocline of a thermally stratified lake …   Wiktionary

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