- Chiffonade
- Chif|fo|na|de[ʃifo...] die; -, -nin feine Streifen geschnittenes Gemüse, als Suppeneinlage verwendet.
Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.
Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.
chiffonade — food preparation technique, 1877, from Fr. chiffonade, from chiffon (see CHIFFON (Cf. chiffon)) + ADE (Cf. ade). In reference to the condition of the leafy stuff after it is so treated … Etymology dictionary
Chiffonade — A demonstration of the chiffonade technique, using sage leaves Chiffonade (French pronunciation: [ʃi.fɔ.nad]) is a cooking technique in which herbs or leafy green vegetables (such as spinach and basil) are cut into long, thin strips. This is … Wikipedia
Chiffonade — Una demostración de la técnica chiffonade, utilizando hojas de Salvia La Chiffonade (en español a veces como chifonada) es una técnica culinaria de corte empleada para cortar con un cuchillo ciertas verduras de grandes hojas en tiras alargadas… … Wikipedia Español
chiffonade — noun Etymology: French chiffonnade, from chiffonner to crumple, from chiffon Date: 1877 shredded or finely cut vegetables or herbs used especially as a garnish … New Collegiate Dictionary
chiffonade — /shif euh nayd , nahd /, adj. a mixture of finely cut vegetables, herbs, or the like, for use in soups, salads, etc. [1875 80; < F; see CHIFFON, ADE1] * * * … Universalium
chiffonade — noun A culinary preparation of herbs or leafy vegetables cut into long, thin ribbons … Wiktionary
Chiffonade — Chif|fo|na|de [ʃɪfo ...], die; , n [frz. chiffonnade] (Kochk.): als Suppeneinlage verwendetes in feine Streifen geschnittenes Gemüse … Universal-Lexikon
chiffonade — (shih foh NAHD) [French, from chiffon: a rag] A mixture of greens or herbs sliced in fine ribbons, used in soups or salads … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
chiffonade — [ˌʃɪfə nα:d] (also chiffonnade) noun (plural same) a preparation of shredded or finely cut leaf vegetables, used as a garnish for soup. Origin Fr., from chiffonner to crumple … English new terms dictionary
chiffonade — chif·fo·nade … English syllables