
die; -, ...tiae [...ti̯ɛ]
<aus gleichbed. nlat. (tunica) adventitia zu lat. adventicius »(von außen) hinzukommend; äußerer«>
die aus Bindegewebe u. elastischen Fasern bestehende äußere Wand der Blutgefäße (Med., Biol.).

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • adventitia — n. 1. the membranous outer covering of an organ or blood vessel. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Adventitia —   die, , Anatomie: äußere Bindegewebsschicht von Hohlorganen (Blutgefäße, Harnleiter u. a.) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • adventitia — [ad΄ven tish′ə, ad΄ventish′ē ə; ad΄vəntish′ə, ad΄vəntish′ē ə] n. [ModL < L, for adventicia, neut. pl. of adventicius: see ADVENTITIOUS] the outer covering of an organ, as of an artery: it is made up chiefly of connective tissue …   English World dictionary

  • Adventitia — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Layers of Esophageal Wall: 1. Mucosa 2. Submucosa 3. Muscularis 4. Adventitia 5. Striated muscle 6. Striated and smooth 7. Smooth muscle 8. Lamina muscularis mucosae 9.… …   Wikipedia

  • Adventitia — Als Tunica adventitia oder Adventitia (von lat. advenire hinzukommen) wird in der Anatomie die äußere Schicht um schlauchförmige Organe bezeichnet. Die Adventitia besteht aus lockerem Bindegewebe und dient der Verankerung in der Umgebung. In der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Adventitia — The outermost connective tissue covering of any organ, vessel, or other structure. For example, the connective tissue that surrounds an artery is called the adventitia because it is considered extraneous to the artery. Adventitia comes from the… …   Medical dictionary

  • adventitia — noun The outermost layer of epithelial tissue encasing a visceral organ. See Also: adventitia bona, adventitious, tunica adventitia …   Wiktionary

  • Adventitia — Ad|venti̱tia w; , ...ti̱tiae: übliche Kurzbez. für ↑Tunica adventitia …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • adventitia — [ˌadvɛn tɪʃə] noun the outermost layer of the wall of a blood vessel. Derivatives adventitial adjective Origin C19: shortening of mod. L. tunica adventitia additional sheath …   English new terms dictionary

  • adventitia — tunica adventitia; n. 1) the outer coat of the wall of a vein or artery. It consists of loose connective tissue and networks of small blood vessels, which nourish the walls. 2) the outer covering of various other organs or parts …   The new mediacal dictionary

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