
[...ə'hɔlik] der; -s, -s
<zusammengezogen aus ↑Shop u. engl. alcoholic »Alkoholiker«, Analogiebildung zu Workaholic>
jmd., der unter dem Zwang steht, ununterbrochen einkaufen zu müssen.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Shopaholic — can refer to:*A slang term for oniomania, or compulsive shopping *Shopaholic (novels), a series of books written by Madeleine Wickham under the pseudonym Sophie Kinsella * Shopaholic (television), a Norwegian television series broadcast by TV3… …   Wikipedia

  • shopaholic — 1984, from SHOP (Cf. shop) (v.) + AHOLIC (Cf. aholic) …   Etymology dictionary

  • shopaholic — ► NOUN informal ▪ a compulsive shopper …   English terms dictionary

  • Shopaholic — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Shopaholic − Die Schnäppchenjägerin Originaltitel Confessions of a Shopaholic …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shopaholic — UK [ˌʃɒpəˈhɒlɪk] / US [ˌʃɑpəˈhɔlɪk] noun [countable] Word forms shopaholic : singular shopaholic plural shopaholics informal someone who enjoys going to shops or enjoys buying things …   English dictionary

  • Shopaholic — Sho|p|a|ho|lic [ʃɔpə hɔlɪk], der; s, s [engl. shopaholic, aus: shop = Einkauf (zu: shop, ↑ Shop) u. aholic = süchtig, verrückt, vgl. ↑ Workaholic]: jmd., der unter dem Zwang steht, unabhängig von seinen tatsächlichen Bedürfnissen einkaufen zu… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • shopaholic — [[t]ʃɒ̱pəhɒ̱lɪk[/t]] shopaholics N COUNT A shopaholic is someone who greatly enjoys going shopping and buying things, or who cannot stop themselves doing this. [INFORMAL] …   English dictionary

  • Shopaholic (novels) — Shopaholic is a series of novels written by the UK author Sophie Kinsella, who also writes under her real name Madeleine Wickham. As of February 2007, there are five books in the series. The entire series has been optioned by a Hollywood studio.… …   Wikipedia

  • Shopaholic Takes Manhattan — (also known as Shopaholic Abroad ) (2001) is the second in the popular Shopaholic series. It is a chick lit novel by Sophie Kinsella, a psyeudonym of Madeline Wickham. It follows the story of Becky Bloomwood and her adventures when she s offered… …   Wikipedia

  • Shopaholic Ties The Knot — (2002) is the third in the popular Shopaholic series. It is a chick lit novel by Sophie Kinsella, a psyeudonym of Madeline Wickham. It follows the story of Becky Bloomwood and her boyfriend (later fiancé) Luke Brandon as they become engaged and… …   Wikipedia

  • Shopaholic & Sister — Shopaholic and Sister (2004) is the fourth in the popular Shopaholic series. It is a chick lit novel by Sophie Kinsella, a psyeudonym of Madeline Wickham. It follows the story of Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) and her husband Luke as they return… …   Wikipedia

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