
der; -s, -: jmd., der rappt.

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • rapper — (n.) agent noun meaning one who raps in any sense (see RAP (Cf. rap) (v.)). Before the current performance sense emerged c.1979, it could mean spirit rapper (1755), prison slang for prosecutor (1904), itinerant antiques buyer (1914, with a tinge… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Rapper — Rap per (r[a^]p p[ e]r), n. [From {Rap}.] 1. One who, or that which, raps or knocks; specifically, the knocker of a door. Sterne. [1913 Webster] 2. A forcible oath or lie. [Slang] Bp. Parker. [1913 Webster] 3. A musician specializing in {rap… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rapper — Rapper, 1) der Arbeiter, welcher das abgehauene Getreide wegnimmt; 2) (Metzner), der, welcher die als landesherrliche Abgabe zu entrichtende Metze von dem zu mahlenden Getreide wegnimmt …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • rapper — (angl.) [pron. répăr] s. m., pl. rapperi Trimis de gall, 28.02.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 …   Dicționar Român

  • rapper — |réper| s. 2 g. Pessoa que compõe ou canta música rap. = RAPISTA • Plural: rappers.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • rapper — [rap′ər] n. a person or thing that raps; specif., a) a door knocker ☆ b) a person who performs rap music …   English World dictionary

  • Rapper — Rap [ræp] ist ein Sprechgesang und Teil der Kultur des Hip Hop. „To rap“ (dt.: klopfen, pochen, meckern oder aber R.a.P. = Rhythm and Poetry zu dt.: Rhythmus und Poesie) deutet die Art der Musik und des Sprechgesangs an. Mit dem Begriff „Rap… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rapper — rap [ rap ] n. m. • 1983; mot angl., de to rap « donner des coups secs » ♦ Anglic. Style de musique disco dont les paroles, hachées, sont récitées sur un fond musical très rythmé. ⇒aussi 2. break, smurf. « Le rap, c était loin d être mon truc,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rapper — Recorded as Roper, Raper, and the rare Rapper, this is usually a surname of English origins. If so it derives from the pre 7th Century word rap , meaning a rope, with the suffix er , meaning one who does. It was given as a medieval occupational… …   Surnames reference

  • rapper — UK [ˈræpə(r)] / US [ˈræpər] noun [countable] Word forms rapper : singular rapper plural rappers music someone who performs rap music …   English dictionary

  • rapper — [[t]ræ̱pə(r)[/t]] rappers N COUNT A rapper is a person who performs rap music. The British pop charts have been dominated by rappers like MC Hammer in recent months …   English dictionary

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