
die; -
<aus russ. glasnost' »Öffentlichkeit« zu glasnij »öffentlich, der Allgemeinheit zugänglich«>
Transparenz bes. in Bezug auf die Zielsetzungen der Regierung (in der Sowjetunion der späten Achtzigerjahre)

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Glasnost — (russisch гласность anhören?/i „Offenheit, Redefreiheit, Informationsfreiheit“) bezeichnet als Schlagwort die nach seinem Amtsantritt (März 1985) von Generalsekretär Michail Gorbatschow in der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Glasnost —    Glasnost was the policy of introducing and maximizing openness, transparency, and publicity of government, military, and media institutions in the Soviet Union. It was introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev as part of his philosophy of the country’s… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • glasnost — [ glasnɔst ] n. f. • 1986; mot russe, de glasny « rendu public », du vieux slave glas « voix » et suff. (n)ost ♦ Hist. En Union soviétique, Politique de transparence et de divulgation de l information, menée dans le cadre de la perestroïka. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Glasnost —    Glasnost (openness, transparency) was an effort by Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to use information about Soviet history, as well as current political, social, and economic conditions, to modernize the Soviet Union and… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • glasnost — 1972 (in reference to a letter of 1969 by Solzhenitsyn), from Rus. glasnost openness to public scrutiny, lit. publicity, fact of being public, ultimately from O.C.S. glasu voice (see CALL (Cf. call)). First used in a socio political sense by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Glasnost — åbenhed (russisk). Lanceret i 1987 af Michail Gorbatjov som det ene af de begreber, der skulle forandre Sovjetunionen. Det andet begreb var perestrojka. Formålet med glasnost var at skabe ytringsfrihed inden for partiets rammer, fordi en øget de …   Danske encyklopædi

  • glasnost — GLÁSNOST s.n. Transparenţă a vieţii politice, cu implicaţii în schimbările de orientare în ultima perioadă a fostei URSS. (din rus. glastnost = publicitate < glasnîi = public < glas = voce < slavona veche ecleziastică glasu ) [et. MW]… …   Dicționar Român

  • glasnost — ► NOUN ▪ (in the former Soviet Union) the policy or practice of more open government. ORIGIN Russian glasnost the fact of being public, openness …   English terms dictionary

  • glasnost — [gläs′nôst, gläs′nōst] n. [Russ glasnost , opportunity to be heard] the Soviet policy of the 1980s of publicly acknowledging the nation s social and economic problems and of allowing open discussion of them …   English World dictionary

  • glasnost — s. f. [História] Hist. Na U.R.S.S., política de transparência da vida pública acompanhando a mudança de orientação (perestroika) conduzida por Mikhail Gorbatchev.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra russa que significa publicidade …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Glasnost — ( ru. Гласность, IPA ru|ˈglasnəsʲtʲ)is literally defined as publicity and sometimes figuratively interpreted as tipping a vase to let someone see into the vase, but not the bottom of the vase .Fact|date=September 2008Glasnost is the policy of… …   Wikipedia

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