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enzymogen — /ɛnˈzaɪmədʒən/ (say en zuymuhjuhn) noun the inactive form in which many enzymes are made and stored, as trypsinogen; zymogen …
Aminocaproic acid — drugbox IUPAC name = 6 aminohexanoic acid CAS number = 60 32 2 ATC prefix = B02 ATC suffix = AA01 ATC supplemental = PubChem = 564 DrugBank = APRD00791 C=6 | H=13 | N=1 | O=2 molecular weight = 131.173 g/mol bioavailability = protein bound =… … Wikipedia
Proenzym — Pro|en|zym 〈n. 11〉 Vorstufe, Grundkörper eines Enzyms * * * Pro|en|zym [↑ pro u. ↑ Enzym] svw. ↑ Zymogen. * * * Pro|en|zym, das; s, e [aus lat. pro = vor u. ↑ Enzym] (Biochemie) … Universal-Lexikon