al secco

al secco
al sec|co
[- 'zɛko] vgl. ↑a secco

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • secco — ● secco nom masculin (du portugais) En Afrique, panneau fait de tiges entrelacées constituant une palissade ; la palissade elle même ; l enclos ainsi délimité. secco n. m. (Afr. subsah.) d1./d Claie faite de tiges de graminées entrelacées. d2./d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Secco — is a surname of Italian origin, which means dry . It may refer to: *Alessio Secco (b. 1970), Italian professional football manager *Deborah Secco (b. 1979), Brazilian actress *Louis Secco (b. 1927), Canadian Olympic ice hockey player …   Wikipedia

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  • Secco — Sec co, a. [It.] Dry. [1913 Webster] {Secco painting}, or {Painting in secco}, painting on dry plaster, as distinguished from {fresco painting}, which is on wet or fresh plaster. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Secco painting — Secco Sec co, a. [It.] Dry. [1913 Webster] {Secco painting}, or {Painting in secco}, painting on dry plaster, as distinguished from {fresco painting}, which is on wet or fresh plaster. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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