
['kæbmən] der; -s,
<aus gleichbed. engl. cabman>

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Cabman — Cab man, n.; pl. {Cabmen}. The driver of a cab. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cabman — [kab′mən] n. pl. cabmen [kab′mən] CABDRIVER …   English World dictionary

  • cabman — noun a) The driver of a hackney cab. At length we saw a four wheeler drive up. Out of it, in leisurely fashion, got Lord Godalming and Morris. And down from the box descended a thick set working man with his rush woven basket of tools. Morris… …   Wiktionary

  • cabman — noun Date: 1834 cabdriver …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cabman — /kab meuhn/, n., pl. cabmen. cabdriver. [1825 35; CAB1 + MAN] * * * …   Universalium

  • cabman — cab·man || cæbmÉ™n n. cabdriver, man who drives a taxi …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • cabman — cab•man [[t]ˈkæb mən[/t]] n. pl. men cabdriver • Etymology: 1825–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • cabman — /ˈkæbmæn/ (say kabman) noun (plural cabmen) Chiefly British → taxidriver. Also, cab man …  

  • cabman — n. (pl. men) the driver of a cab …   Useful english dictionary

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